Friday, May 8, 2015

"Globalization, though a large part of the solution, is also a large part of the problem."

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"Globalization, though a large part of the solution, is also a large part of the problem."

           This topic has been at the center of class discussions recently. As the maturing generation that will soon take over this world, it is up to us to look at this question in depth.  I found this article, A Real War on Terrorism by Robert Wright on He recognizes the fact that the world will clash because of globalization. Modernization will go against traditional and conservative Muslim values and culture. The real question is how are we to alleviate the tensions that will ultimately arise? It is also important to recognize the benefits of globalization. Cultures sharing, communicating, and learning about other cultures only brings us closer together. 

"As Bernard Lewis and others have pointed out, the modern world—featuring alcohol, satellite-beamed pornography, lapel-wearing alpha females—is an offense to traditional Islamic values. And globalization sticks modernization in the face of Muslims, whether they like it or not. Mohamed Atta didn't have to go to Germany to see Hollywood movies or the Western skyscrapers that, in his view, scarred the landscape of Islamic architecture."

          One of the largest causes for tension between cultures that is caused by globalization is economic disparity.  In countries like Yemen and Afghanistan, money is a way out or a way to provide for your family. Some young men and women in these countries are also so brain-washed and educated in a way that they think strapping a bomb to themselves and killing the 'infidels' will not only give them a ticket to Paradise, but their family would be taken care of.  These kids do not have a path to follow a lot of times. There is no way to better their situations in many cases, and when you are taught and you're family teaches you to live a certain way, you will. "You are a product of your environment," is a quote that I most see being used here. These kids grow up in horrible environments. If the few times in my life I got to witness TV and see what the west has in terms of technology, I would probably hate us too. Many times terrorists view westerners as bad because of alcohol, sexually explicit material, or even shows/movies/propaganda against us. This goes against what some of these people have been taught. 

"In short: If people everywhere had economic opportunity and political freedom, the clash of cultures that globalization brings would more often be endured without explosion."

         What really bothers me is that many organizations go after kids for recruitment. A young man with a lot of pride and a strong sense of respect to family or teachers is the ideal candidate. It is not their fault, it is the educators/ the recruiters/ the parents/ the elders/ the extremism that they are taught about religion/ the lies that they hear about the west. It is sad, it is the world we are inheriting. Hopefully one day technology, social media, and globalization will bring us closer rather than farther away.

(I understand what I said above is pretty heavy, but if you watch this documentary from VICE, you will understand what I mean. I am a big fan of VICE!)

1 comment:

  1. Notes on paper:
    -Does the UN still exist?
    -Already a UN arctic council
    -What makes the Middle East unstable?
    -How do nuclear weapons and technology affect the new world?
    -Focus on certain aspects and explain them further
    -Cite sources and do more academic research into topic
