Thursday, April 23, 2015

Plausibility of Horizons

I think that one of the things that is very plausible in the future is the platforms on which people live that orbit around the earth. I think that as populations expand and people become more adventurous, it will be a natural progression for people to at least consider a move to platforms or even colonizing the Moon and eventually Mars. Even today we have things like the International Space Station which, while being on a small scale, does house people for long periods of time in orbit. I don’t necessarily think that platforms will come out of a terror war. Rather, I think they might just naturally develop as states initially look into building them (again like the ISS) before private companies take over and build larger structures to house more people. There is already a fascination with space travel and space life and I think if this builds it is at least plausible that humans could one day inhabit platforms orbiting the Earth.
I find the microchipping of everyone to be implausible, largely because I think people would eventually not like this and figure out a way to take the microchips out even if they allowed states to insert them to begin with. If some people have microchips and others do not, the system breaks down and is virtually useless if states are trying to track each citizen or person in the world. It may be that microchips are placed in people who commit violent crimes, however I do not feasibly see how citizens would be willing to allow state governments to track them and their every move through a piece of technology inserted into their body. I think the microchipping of cars or things like that could happen because people may not be aware of it, however I do not see a world, even if citizens feel their security is at great risk, in which people are willing to be tracked and analyzed as if they were subjects in an experiment. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I definitely think that as the world population expands we will probably look into expanding out of Earth. The feasibility however is difficult to predict, seeing that the startup costs alone are going to be extremely high. Do you think that the ability to move to space will be reserved for the wealthier, creating a separate class system?
    Also I am not necessarily sure that all people would be against the microchipping. As I wrote in my blog, I think individual feelings of safety will be a factor in the process. Although I do really like your idea about the implanting them in criminals, which could be helpful.

    1. I think that at first the ability to move to space would necessarily have to start with the wealthier, evidence of which we are seeing today with private companies looking into space travel and even colonization. I think that over time it might even out, but a separate class system would definitely become a real possibility. I think the classes would be the people who don't have to work and can just live in space at the top and then the lowest class would be the workers who have to pilot the shuttle and clean and do all of that kind of work.

  3. I agree with your point about the platforms - space life is the next frontier for mankind. I do like Tim's point, though. Especially at first, it will be rather expensive to get to and subsequently live in space. Privatized space travel, right now, is ridiculously expensive and reserved essentially for the ultra-elite and I would expect space living to be very similar.

    With regard to the microchipping, I think I agree and also think that a major reason why people would object to it is because the government is now invading people's physical selves as opposed to just their online selves in the name of security. This represents a level of state control that really hasn't been seen yet and would likely cause a strong reaction against it.

  4. I agree with your point about the platforms - space life is the next frontier for mankind. I do like Tim's point, though. Especially at first, it will be rather expensive to get to and subsequently live in space. Privatized space travel, right now, is ridiculously expensive and reserved essentially for the ultra-elite and I would expect space living to be very similar.

    With regard to the microchipping, I think I agree and also think that a major reason why people would object to it is because the government is now invading people's physical selves as opposed to just their online selves in the name of security. This represents a level of state control that really hasn't been seen yet and would likely cause a strong reaction against it.

  5. I definitely agree about the colonizing space and possibly further than our galaxy. I think space travel and colonization is definitely something we are moving towards. That part kind of incorporates climate change and the environmental degradation and that pretty soon our planet might not be inhabitable anymore. Though I think this is way in the future it does seem like that is where our world is heading.

  6. I agree that humans will look towards colonizing space. Space is important and interesting to many people. I agree with Val and think that as environmental degradation continues, people are going to look for new ways to escape and to avoid it. Like in the movie Wall-E.
    I think people would initially have strong negative reactions against microchips but there is a possibility it could change over time. I wonder if microchips are just the next step in government surveillance.
